Does Synthetic Hair Damage Real Hair

Does Synthetic Hair Damage Real Hair?

Synthetic hair has become more and more popular these recent years…

Who hasn’t seen a hair online that it’s just too much to be real?

Well, guess what? It’s not!

It’s common to see these fabulous Instagram models rocking humongous –and beautiful- wigs that outshine anyone around…

We all want to look like them!


Styling your hair this way may be a bit expensive if you use natural hair…

And that’s what has made cheaper and more accessible synthetic hair so in-fashion!

What many people don’t consider is that this product could be detrimental to their capillary health.


If you were thinking about getting a box braid style and going for the cheap, perhaps you should question yourself; does synthetic hair damage real hair?

Synthetic Hair: What Is It, and What’s It Made Of?

Unlike real hair extensions, which are made out of human hair, synthetic hair only imitates the external shape of natural hair.

What does this mean?

This means that the hair fibers in synthetic extensions and wigs are made from plastic and chemical materials, which try to copy what human hair looks like.

The bad news is that even though synths may at first look pretty and feel more convenient, the properties of those materials are nothing like the ones of real hair…

So, these wigs and extensions can’t be treated like you would with natural strands.

Low-grade materials such as polyester and acrylic, treated to have that ‘hair’ appearance, will only last a few months before they must be discarded.

Why Are So Many People Using Synthetic Hair Extensions?

The answer is short and simple: they’re cheaper.

Also, as their fibers are synthetic and plastic, they tend to hold the style longer. This makes people think they’ll spend less money on hairstyling.

Saving time on our hair is convenient in the busy lifestyle of today.

And sometimes, we just can’t afford natural hair, so we go the cheap way. Nothing wrong there!

Or at least,

Nothing will be wrong if you do it once or two. But is it cheaper in the long term?

And definitely,

Not the same can be said when you start making synth hair a habit.

So, hold your horses and keep on reading before you go buy those hair extensions.

Does Synthetic Hair Damage Real Hair?

Does Synthetic Hair Damage Real Hair

Ok, it’s no secret that if two products that do the same thing are considerably different values, something is going on.

The same applies to extensions, wigs, and synthetic hair.

As we’ve been manifesting already, fake hair does damage your real hair when using it for too long.


There’re many reasons, so let’s look at the 5 most common negative side-effects synthetic hair may have on your natural strands and scalp.

5 Synthetic Hair Drawbacks On Real Hair

Synthetic Hair Can Suffocate Your Natural Hair and Scalp

Unlike natural hair, artificial fibers are not porous; they’re plastic.

If there’s one feature that plastic can be proud of, it’s that it won’t let air and moisture escape. Wigs and fake extensions may make your scalp overheat.

In consequence,

You can get all kinds of rashes and irritations on your scalp… It will get itchy over time!

And if by any chance you scratch… bad for you, the pain will be real!

This factor is particularly crucial for those with sensitive skin. Do yourself a favor and wait a bit until you can invest in natural hair.

Unventilated Scalps Can Generate Microorganisms

Yeah, just like you read it!

If your scalp is constantly moist and warm, it makes the perfect environment for all kinds of fungi and bacteria.

From simple dandruff to actual mold, all kinds of creatures can be grown.

I’m sure that’s not what you want.

Synthetic hair does not allow air or moisture to pass through, which can create an environment where bacteria and fungi can grow.

This can lead to scalp infections and other hair-related problems.

Heavy Extensions Can Rip Your Hair Off

As scary as it may sound, you may lose important sections of your hair if not careful.


Plastic, synthetic hair is much heavier than real hair.

Plus, many people and stylists want to add as many braids as possible to the weave.

Many people have thin hair, and, understandably, they want to make the most of their strands and end up like a lioness…

Even so,

When the long and heavy hair extensions are braided into a tiny section of natural hair, chances are they may rip it off due to weight and manipulation.

And of course, the longer the braids and the longer you keep them on, the more chances you have to find hairless patches when you take them off!

Be careful and don’t overdo it!

The synthetic hair’s tension can cause breakage or hair loss over time.

Additionally, the weight of the synthetic hair can put a strain on the scalp and cause discomfort or headaches.

Synthetic Hair Can Easily Burn and Melt into Your Real Hair

Something that may be disappointing for those looking for convenient and cheaply stylish hair… but you can’t treat it and manipulate it as if it was real.

Synthetic hair is HIGHLY flammable.

This means that using a hairdryer, flat iron, or the like can actually make it burn, or even worst, melt into your real hair.

But the horror story doesn’t end up there… Many people have even gotten burnt by using the kitchen!

That’s how dangerous synthetic hair can be around heat.

It’s terrifying; in the best-case scenario, you’ll have to trim and deep condition the tips of your hair.

But if it gets more serious, you may lose all your hair and even get your scalp damaged and hair burnt.

So, they may hold the style they were mounted in for longer, but changing your hairstyle or even cooking can end up being a risky task.

Synthetic Hair May Contain Toxic Chemicals

Chemical treatments applied to synthetic hair to improve its appearance or texture can be harmful to real hair.

Synthetic hair extensions or wigs are often treated with chemicals such as acids, bleach, and colorants to give them a more natural look or a specific color.

However, these chemicals can cause allergic reactions and scalp irritation, which can lead to hair loss.

Additionally, the chemicals used in synthetic hair products can be harsh and damaging to real hair.

They can strip the hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.

Even if the synthetic hair itself does not come into contact with real hair, the chemicals used to treat it can be transferred to the scalp or hair shaft, causing damage over time.

Synthetic Hair, More Damages Than Benefits

Synthetic Hair Damage

In conclusion, while synthetic hair products can provide an affordable and convenient alternative to real hair, they also come with several drawbacks and potential risks to real hair.

Synthetic hair can cause damage to real hair through friction, tension, and weight, as well as by limiting styling options and causing discomfort.

Additionally, chemical treatments applied to synthetic hair can be harmful to real hair and cause allergic reactions, scalp irritation, and hair loss.

Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and drawbacks of using synthetic hair products and to take necessary precautions to protect real hair from damage.

This includes choosing high-quality, chemical-free products and following proper hair care and maintenance routines.

So to conclude, does synthetic hair damage real hair or not? I see that synthetic hair ends up damaging more than benefiting us.


Because let’s be honest,

Even if it’s cheaper, with a few washes, you’ll discover how tangled and worn-out it looks.

And I assure you, you won’t like it.

So, what’s the deal?

Leave synthetic hair for special and sporadic occasions and try to save a bit for natural hair extension.

Or, whenever it’s possible, rock your natural hair!

Want lustrous, shiny hair that turns heads wherever you go? Check out this 3-second hair ritual that brings back long, luscious hair fast!